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About Richup.io

Richup.io is an entertaining construction game. Come to this game to build all the architecture you want like a square, hotel, or house in your own way.

This game is a multiplayer game like Starmos.io, GoBattle.io, and Taming.io. However, it will combine with the arcade genre where you can build your buildings. However, the construction should be based on the amount of wealth you have.

How to play the Richup.io game

In the event that the property is offered, you have the choice to buy it. The next owner will then be required to pay you a particular charge when that property is sold. Purchase all of the same type's qualities to enhance the payout. Players will pay you extra when they land on a piece of property with additional homes or hotels on it. To own the most properties while also being the last player standing is your goal. There are other points that can have positive or negative effects, depending on the circumstance, throughout the forum.


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