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Solar Smash


About Solar Smash

Solar Smash is a challenge to destroy the planets of the solar system with magical powers. Discover the abundant energy of these mysterious planets.

Solar Smash's creative inspiration

Solar Smash is a game with a science theme. A theme with many unsolved mysteries. Science simulation games will always bring interesting things from distant planets such as the sun, black holes, and meteorites where humans are gradually finding ways to set foot there.

Solar Smash is inspired by the universe, so it gives players a completely new panorama. Stimulate curiosity and exploration.

How to explore the planets of Solar Smash

Because Solar Smash is mysterious, the way to conquer it is not simple.

Weapons decide victory

Players have the right to choose their own combat weapons.

  • Choose the laser if you want to create deep and long trenches. It has a large-scale destructive power and brings a large source of energy.
  • To create explosions with a large radius and terrible destruction, players can choose nuclear weapons.
  • Choose the black hole to be able to deform the shape of the planet.
  • The most powerful is the super rookie. Using this weapon will cause the planet to be strongly destroyed. The destroyed energy will cover the entire planet.

How to play

  • When you want to focus on the planet you want to destroy, use the zoom control buttons reasonably.
  • Destroy planets with weak surfaces and easy to destroy first.


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